I am yet to meet anyone who hasn’t been impacted or known someone or themselves thought of suicide as an option to ease their pain.
How do you know someone is potentially at risk?
Look for clues by the way a person behaves. These may include:
- Previous suicide attempts
- Being moody, sad and withdrawn
- Talking of feeling hopeless, helpless or worthless
- Taking less care of themselves and their appearance
- Losing interest in things they previously enjoyed
- Difficulty concentrating and/or sleeping
- Being more irritable or agitated
- Talking or joking about suicide/death
- Expressing thoughts about death through drawings, stories, songs etc
- Saying goodbye to others and/or giving away possessions
- Engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviour
- Increasing alcohol/drug use
- Places to go for help now: For immediate crisis intervention when life may be in danger call the ambulance or police on 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.
For further information about places to go for help when someone is at risk of suicide.
- Visit the Lifeline website www.lifeline.org.au
- National Helpline Support Lifeline 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
- Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78
- The Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467