Lifeline North Coast conducted two Community Connector sessions during March and April 2022, targeting our Rainbow community in our mid north coast footprint.
We had a total of 22 participants from the Clarence Valley Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, and Nambucca Valley who were an amazing group of people from a diverse range of professions and backgrounds attending via ZOOM.
This particular training delivery comprises a comprehensive e-learning component, followed up with a fun interactive gathering online.
We discussed the “recognise respond and refer” elements of accidental counselling and practised our micro counselling skills. We also learned about what to do and not to do if someone is in crisis and explored some juicy case studies.
We discussed what to ask if someone seeking support is suicidal and explored the do’s and don’t’s and how to assist somebody in a practical way.
Our participants were wonderful and supported each other in the chat room space to further develop their skills and affirm their strengths.
This new cohort of Community Connectors are skilled engaged and ready to provide accidental counselling to friends, colleagues and the community .